Employment Verification Letter

Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter, additionally called a letter of employment or evidence of earnings letter, is a shape used to confirm the earnings and employment records of a preceding

or cutting-edge employee. For your reference, an employment verification letter also can be called a:

  • Proof of Employment Letter
  • Income Verification Letter
  • Employment Confirmation Letter
  • Salary Verification Letter
  • Work Verification Letter
Table of Content Needs a Letter of Employment?
How to Write an Employment Verification
Form How to Verify a Proof of Employment Letter
Employment Verification Letter Sample & Templates (Word & PDF)

1. Who Needs a Letter of Employment?

A former or modern worker can also additionally request employment verification to certify their earnings and employment records for a brand new business enterprise.

An employment verification shape is likewise a typically prerequisite utilized by a third-birthday birthday celebration to affirm that an man or woman has the profits essential to make required month-to-month bills on a prime expenditure — whether or not it’s for a condominium application, mortgage, or loan.

For example, a landlord may require a letter of employment for renting an apartment if the rent exceeds a certain amount. Additionally, all banks require employment verification for mortgage applications to be considered.

Furthermore, a brand new business enterprise can also additionally request employment verification to make sure that you’ve been trustworthy approximately your preceding earnings and position.

To streamline processes, many organizations have an legit employment verification request shape which may be crammed out via way of means of modern and previous employees.

2. How to Write an Employment Verification Form

An employment verification form will be reviewed by a third-party, so it should be treated as formal company documentation.

Below your company letterhead, include relevant contact and company information such as:

  • Verifier’s name
  • Company name
  • Address
  • City, state, ZIP code

If you have the name and address of the third-party reviewing the document, include it in the salutation below the date.

The body of the salary verification letter will depend on the requirements of the requesting party. For example, a landlord may only need to verify a potential tenant’s current income, whereas a new employer may require employment history as well as salary details.

If you don’t know the requesting party’s requirements, a standard verification of employment form should include the following information:

  • Employment start date
  • Employee name
  • Job title

The final paragraph of an employment confirmation letter should include the contact details of the individual responsible for verifying the employee’s information.

Conclude the work verification letter with your signature, full name, and job title.

3. How to Verify a Proof of Employment Letter

A proof of income letter is often the last step taken by a bank before approving a loan, a landlord before handing over the keys to a tenant, or a company prior to sending out an offer letter to a candidate.

In order to protect against false claims, third parties often require employees to substantiate their employment verification letter with at least two proof of income documents.

The following documents are accepted as proof of income:

  • Paystubs
  • Tax returns (1040)
  • Wage and tax statements (W-2)
  • Social security proof of income / Benefit Verification Letter
  • A Workers’ compensation letter
  • Bank statements

In addition to supporting documentation, you can have your income verification form acknowledged by a notary public. Notarizing your verification letter confirms its authenticity and adds an extra layer of trust.

Proof of Income for Self Employed Individuals

If you’re self employed, there’s technically no one to provide an employment income verification except yourself.

So, can you write a proof of income letter for self employment on your own behalf?

The answer is “yes”. Write an income verification letter and use the following accepted documentation to prove your income:

  • IRS Form 1099 Miscellaneous Income – used by freelancers to record any job that paid $600 or more
  • Tax returns
  • Bank statements

4. Employment Verification Letter Sample & Templates (Word & PDF)

Here’s what a typical employment verification letter looks like:

Employment Verification Letter Example (with Salary)

The employment verification sample below confirms the employment of Jessica Holland at ABC Inc. In order to corroborate the salary information provided, the Director of Operations, William Savage, indicates that Jessica’s pay stubs and tax return information are attached to the letter.

In addition, Mr. Savage provides his contact information in case Resume Center (the requesting party) requires additional proof of employment.

Employment Letter Sample

The proof of employment letter sample below offers the employment and income verification of Matthew Simpson, previously employed as General Counsel for Company Inc. The letter is addressed directly to the third party who requested the employment verification for Mr. Simpson — Welcome Inc.

In addition to the wage and tax statement (W-2) and pay stubs attached, Company Inc. has included an acknowledgment of a notary public to authenticate Mr. Simpson’s verification of employment.

Proof of Income Letter from Employer Template

The letter of employment example below provides proof of income (both annual and added bonuses) for Wilfred Lawrence. The verifying party, Charles Lang of Forest Inc., does not include Mr. Lawrence’s contact details; however, Mr. Lang does state that Mr. Lawrence’s W-2 and a letter from Workers’ compensation would be included as proof of income examples.

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